Candle light, romantic music and dinner for two. None of those were needed for these little flutterers hard at it on top of the Yacon Continue reading Birds and the Bees – And the butterflies

Candle light, romantic music and dinner for two. None of those were needed for these little flutterers hard at it on top of the Yacon Continue reading Birds and the Bees – And the butterflies
I don’t eat many green beans. Not in proportion to the amount that I grow.
Most of my beans are dried and I grow quite a few every year to last me through a years worth of soups, stews, baked beans and bacon and bean salads. I’ve tried “A” frames, wigwams and “V” frames. This year I’m trying something different.
Continue reading Beans For Breakfast
Instead of harvesting them earlier in the year as scallions, I let my Egyptian Onion plants from the top sets sown last autumn grow on and die down. This was to increase the number of plants I’m able to get top sets from.
Continue reading Egyptian Walking Onion Bulbs
Continue reading Counterfeit Currants
Continue reading Flowering Alliums
Having planted out my Babington Leeks in Autumn I’m pleased that not only have they survived but have thrived.
Continue reading Babington Leek Update
No the answer isn’t a jacuzzi.
Continue reading What do you get if you take Jerusalem Artichokes and A Bath?
I went to pull out a bit of debris that had blown into my pond and found this.
Continue reading I HAS SPAWN!!
Last year I had two Yacon plants which produced some storage roots and a couple of large crowns covered in purple bumpy bits. These crowns have been stored in my garage over winter in breathable puts of damp compost. They’re now starting to show signs of sprouting with the purple lumpy bits producing whitish eyes.
Continue reading Yacon Carve Up
Whilst weeding one of the beds I came across my little skitter plants. These had been sown as seed last year and spent most the year remaining tiny and trying to flower before dying back in Autumn. Because of this I held out little hope of them surviving and basically forgot about them.
Continue reading Rediscovered a Forgotten Crop
Both myself and the plot have been dormant over the winter period. What with the short cold days, staff sicknesses and everyone taking what annual leave they have left before loosing it on 1st April most of my time has been spent working and sleeping.
When not at work or asleep I had to fit the rest of my life into the cold wet days I had off – plot visits were limited to harvesting Kale and Leeks.
But roll on march the Use them or Loose them holiday rush is calming down, Winter blues and colds are lessening and the weather isn’t trying to drown me I’m not able to get down to the plot more and get on with the jobs
This year I’ve been pulling down sheds, structures and fences and ended up with a tidy pile of scrap and rotten wood.
Our allotment guidelines states, in capitals Continue reading November Fire
Each year my allotment site has a heaviest pumpkin competition. It’s only £2 to enter and is is a friendly bit of competition amongst the plot holders. Some plants fail, some pumpkins don’t grow and some people withdraw out of embarrassment. Continue reading Pumpkin Competition
It’s been raining most of the time the last couple of days so I took advantage of a dry bit to get some overwintering crops in.
Continue reading Planting Overwintering Alliums
Picked a few pumpkins for my sister to carve for Halloween and brought the squashes up out the greenhouse Continue reading Squash Bonanza
I’ve been keeping a count of the number of courgettes I’ve harvested to help me decide which varieties to concentrate on next year.
Continue reading Courgette Harvest
My squashed are on the turn.
Today I gave several plants a hair-cut today trimming off the old and dying leaves. The courgettes are slowing down – there doesn’t look to be too many female flowers formed on them now, mostly male. Come Saturday it will be two months of courgette harvests.
Continue reading Today on the plot
Since I’ve taken on the New Territories I haven’t done much on the layout, so recently I’ve spent a little time thinking about how to lay out the beds and rejig the plot. Continue reading New Territories Redesign
A couple of weeks ago I found the seeds for Allium Polyanthum (Many flowered Garlic) and Allium Angulosum (Mouse Garlic) – both of which were hard to find in the UK – at a site called
Continue reading Exemplar Customer Service