With so many posts on garlic, leeks and onions in a row it’s starting to look like I’m a bit of an allium nut. I’m not honest (although it’s going to take a lot of convincing as there may be more in the pipeline).
Got in from work this morning to find a delivery of a large box marked “Chocolate chip muffins”.
You’d think that I might be a bit disappointed to open it and find that it didn’t contain a single muffin but I wasn’t.
Instead the box was full of my order from Edulis.

Allium paradoxum

Allium cepa ‘Perutile’
Allium schoenoprasum ‘Black Isle Blush’
Packed nice and securely inside were
- two large Babington Leek bulbs (I don’t hold out much hope for the bulbils I have planted so wanted something more established ),
- Few-flowed Leek/garlic (Allium Paradoxium) bulbs – really hard to find, this was the only place I found them
- Hookers Onion /Chives (Allium hookeri ‘Zorami’) – although Allium acuminatum is also called Hookers Onion (guess there’s a lot of Hookers around – well rugby is popular).
- Everlasting/Eternal Onion (Allium cepa ‘Perutile’ ).
- Allium schoenoprasum ‘Black Isle Blush’ – chives but with a prettier flower.