OK, so maybe I should draw the line at over 40 types of Alliums, but there’s still some that interest me – so I may be able to squeeze in one or two more and possibly drop some of the annuals if the perennials perform well.
- Shallots – as a replant this means no seed sowing in January – red and yellow forms available. I generally haven’t kept and replanted as on the Jungle plot there’s white rot.
- Potato Onions – not sure how these differ from shallots but would probably try them. Of course they’re available in Red, White and Yellow so this may become three options.
- Walking Onions – the variety I have produces small pea size top sets so I’d want one or two Big Top Setted varieties
- Wild Leek – the parent variety to Babingtons Leek, Elephant Garlic and cultivated leeks.
- Canadian Garlic
- Twisted Garlic – anything twisted suits my garden 😉
- Chinese Chives (Allium ramosum) – I often see Chinese chives and garlic chives marketed as the same thing, not sure of the difference yet so I may have to get one of each, where I’m sure of the varieties, to compare.
- Rosey Garlic (Allium roseum) – the smell is supposed to drive squirrels away – wonder if it will drive away nosey neighbours?
- Crow Garlic (Allium vineale) -looking a bit like it produces garlic flavoured bulbils/grass
- Sand leek (Rocambole) (Allium scorodoprasum)
- Cha Cha Chives (Allium schoenoprasum ‘Cha Cha’)
So there’s a few more to come – especially when you add in the colour/size variations I may have to find space for another dozen or so.