Having planted out my Babington Leeks in Autumn I’m pleased that not only have they survived but have thrived.
Continue reading Babington Leek Update

Having planted out my Babington Leeks in Autumn I’m pleased that not only have they survived but have thrived.
Continue reading Babington Leek Update
It’s been raining most of the time the last couple of days so I took advantage of a dry bit to get some overwintering crops in.
Continue reading Planting Overwintering Alliums
OK, so maybe I should draw the line at over 40 types of Alliums, but there’s still some that interest me – so I may be able to squeeze in one or two more and possibly drop some of the annuals if the perennials perform well. Continue reading Allium Wishlist
I like alliums, chopped in a corned beef sandwich, baked whole, used to flavour stews, etc. and I tend to grow quite a few each year. Since getting the New Territories I’ve been thinking about having a perennial bed or two and have been looking at perennial alliums Continue reading All year Alliums Challenge 2016/17
With so many posts on garlic, leeks and onions in a row it’s starting to look like I’m a bit of an allium nut. I’m not honest (although it’s going to take a lot of convincing as there may be more in the pipeline). Continue reading More Alliums!!!
On the way home this morning I bought myself a tray of leek seedlings to plant up for an experiment. Continue reading Baby leeks -Destined for experimentation
It’s easy to tell the different between onions, leeks and garlic isn’t it Continue reading Knowing your onions
Lately I’ve been looking at a number of different edible perennial alliums and I’ve came across one which has piqued my interest. Continue reading Many-Flowered Garlic – A Potential Perennial Leek