Having planted out my Babington Leeks in Autumn I’m pleased that not only have they survived but have thrived.
Continue reading Babington Leek Update

Having planted out my Babington Leeks in Autumn I’m pleased that not only have they survived but have thrived.
Continue reading Babington Leek Update
No the answer isn’t a jacuzzi.
Continue reading What do you get if you take Jerusalem Artichokes and A Bath?
Whilst weeding one of the beds I came across my little skitter plants. These had been sown as seed last year and spent most the year remaining tiny and trying to flower before dying back in Autumn. Because of this I held out little hope of them surviving and basically forgot about them.
Continue reading Rediscovered a Forgotten Crop
Who doesn’t want heads of garlic as big as your fist with individual cloves almost as big as a regular head but with a mild garlic flavour that won’t loose your friends. Well that’s what Elephant Garlic gives you. Continue reading Elephant Garlic
On the way home this morning I bought myself a tray of leek seedlings to plant up for an experiment. Continue reading Baby leeks -Destined for experimentation
Lately I’ve been looking at a number of different edible perennial alliums and I’ve came across one which has piqued my interest. Continue reading Many-Flowered Garlic – A Potential Perennial Leek